Informative Guidelines to Follow when Paraphrasing your Virtual Work

Informative Guidelines to Follow when Paraphrasing your Virtual Work

Writing a sentence with the same meaning with the original one is called paraphrasing. When paraphrasing there are important steps that you have to follow for your work to look smart. In this article, we are going to discuss the important steps to follow when paraphrasing your virtual work.

You should always start with separating the information when paraphrasing your work. Choosing that paragraph that you want to paraphrase is a crucial aspect and so you should by choosing it. It is always good to start but separating sentences because it is always an important aspect.

The second step to follow when paraphrasing your virtual work is to highlight the content words. Most of the sentences contain words that are not meaning full while the other words are carries the meaning of the sentence. In order to easily paraphrase you work you should always choose the words that carry the meaning of the sentence.

Another essential step to follow when paraphrasing your work is to create a new content word of your sentence. A synonym is a great way of expanding your vocabulary and linking the words to their meaning and so it is important when paraphrasing your work. Synonym are those word that can be changed to replace your word and have the same meaning with your word. when synonyms are put in the sentence, the sentence still remain with its original meaning. Synonyms are essential when paraphrasing your virtual writing because they do not change the meaning of the sentence.

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The other crucial guideline to follow when paraphrasing your work is to complete your new sentence. It is important to put the new word together in order to have a new sentence that have the same meaning with the original one . When it come to joining the new words to make anew sentence you are always free to use any function sentence of your choice in order to give a sentence with same meaning to the original sentence .

The other important guideline to follow when paraphrasing your work is to review the sentence that you have written . Reviewing is important because it aids in verifying the mistakes that you could have done when writing your new sentence. This involves writing does the new sentence and reading it to make sure that it does not have grammatical mistakes. It is important to read the new sentence and compare it with the original one to make sure that there is no any information that is missing. You should also make sure that the sentence does not lose its meaning.

The other step to follow when paraphrasing is to record your self It is always important to record and listen to your work since you need to be your own teacher.

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